Prof. dr. Senada Koljenovic
Contact information
Pathologische anatomie
Gerechtelijke geneeskunde
She works intensively on improving surgical-pathological communication and correlation of information for better diagnosis, surgical results and patient outcome. Prof. Koljenović furthermore coordinates close collaboration with other academic centers and affiliated non-academic institutes, to among others facilitate design and execution of large multi-center studies.
Her PhD - thesis focused on clinical application of Raman spectroscopy. Her department of Pathology has an open door policy for developments in photonics, AI and is a bridge between clinical practice, including Molecular Pathology, and Photonics, to enable improved diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.
Research is translational with focus on medical applications of Photonics in general, and in particular applications of Raman spectroscopy-based tools in Head and Neck surgery (Raman-guided surgical resections facilitating safe surgical margins in oral cancer) and in characterisation of pre-neoplasia for its’s early diagnosis.
Education and experience
- Oct 2021 – present: Head of department - Pathologist with specialization in head and neck pathology and dermatopathology - Antwerp University Hospital, department pathology
- Oct 2021 – present: Professor - University of Antwerp, department molecular imaging – pathology-radiotherapy - oncology
- Apr 2009 – Oct 2021: Consultant Pathologist - Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam, department pathology
- April 2008 - PhD: "Towards Clinico-Pathological application of Raman spectroscopy" - Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam, department Surgery
Mandates and memberships
- European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Melanoma group (Central Review Pathologist)
- European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck group, co-founder of Preneoplasia group
- Dutch Pathology Society (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie, NVvP )
- Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group (NWHHT)
- Working Group International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC)
- Regional pathology melanoma panel – (founder, chair 2012 -2017)
- Dutch Head & Neck Pathology Group – (co-founder, co-chair 2015 – present)
- International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists (IAOP)
- Flemish Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group (VWHHT; member core group